Such Great Heights: Weeks 10 and 11 Summary

Such Great Heights: Weeks 10 and 11 Summary

After a brief (what is time at this point, really) struggle with lack of motivation, and a whole lot of actually interesting developments over the past 2 weeks, here's the double-stuffed update:

  1. TRAIN FOR CLIMBING: I am the Queen of Abs. The current routine is 11 exercises in a row, for 50 seconds each, with 10 second rests in-between; repeat 3 times. Recalling that I started 4 weeks ago with just 2 cycles of the same 11 exercises but 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, the progress has been stimulating! I’m meant to work up to repeating it 4 times, but a) the psych is waning, unsurprisingly, and b) I finally bought a hangboard! It’s simple, but it’s made in Montreal, and is actually in stock - which is more than can be said for MEC’s or Amazon’s selection at this point. Very much looking forward to a similar progression for finger strength as I had for abs! 7/10.

  2. READ: I find myself reading less, even though there is much more time. I’m about halfway through Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, the writing in which is absolutely lovely. 5/10.

  3. QUEST: We had our 5th session in week 10 - only 2 more sessions left! I’ve begun using the group discussions as a place to practice radical candor, which is a skill I’ve always struggled with, my default being to “blow sunshine up people’s asses”. Inspired by some of the conversations (ht Rodrigo) around personal brand and values, I launched a new landing page for It’s ridiculous, and I absolutely love it; I expect to refer people to it as I begin to hunt for contract work while wrapping up my break. Oh! Also, as has become expected in my sabbatical Hero’s-Journey-esque process, along with the “Abyss” (or, as I refer to it, the “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” moment: hello COVID-19) comes the “Revelation”. This time, it came out of the blue in the form of a serendipitous LinkedIn connection with a lovely talent scout from Entrepreneur First. The program sounds frankly too good to be true, but from the couple of conversations I’ve had with EFers thus far, it just might not be. I especially liked the EF philosophy as explained by one of the co-founders in this podcast interview. The inaugural Toronto cohort starts at the end of September, so if you’re at all curious about applying, message me and I’ll tell you what I’ve found out thus far. 12/10.

  4. FRENCH: This is a bit dead! Environmental design needs work. 2/10.

Wanna Help?

To my readers, and to myself: take good care of yourselves, and don’t lose hope! If you’re feeling like you want to chat, reach out - I’m here for ya, at least virtually <3

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